This version of the RTx GPS system represents the simplest form of operation. It operates as a non-radio GPS logging device, meaning you can fly this aboard your rocket, retrieve your rocket, then "upload" your recorded GPS flight data via our USB-IO or BTMM Bluetooth m3 module (not included) into our mDACS application for inspection and export into Google Earth.
The "Logging Only" version, like all the other RTX/GPS system versions are capable of recording up to 3 GPS flights @ 68 minutes each. Using the versatile "Epoch Log Trigger" option, you can start recording data after your first valid GPS fix, or delay recording up to 30 minutes while you prep at the pad.
You can set and configure all the programmable features of the RTx/GPS system via the Program Button and DIP switch tandem, or set and configure the unit via the USB-IO module and mDACS app.
The RTx/GPS "Logging Only" system can also upgraded after purchase into an all up radio-based Navigational and Telematics configuration by returning it for modification, along with the purchase of a "Base Board" to make a complete system.
Google Earth Export Sample: