The RTx/RRC3 Bluetooth Master Module belongs to m3 (Missile Works Mini Module) Component family, and provides Bluetooth interface capability and data transfer for RTx and RRC3 devices.
Specifically this module will enable a wireless Bluetooth link to an Android device running the "Rocket Locator" or "Rocket Track" from your RTx Base Board giving you live NMEA updates while flying/tracking your rocket.
In addition, the latest modifications to our v1.60/v1.70 RRC3 firmware and v1.60 mDACS app supports wireless Bluetooth communication to a Windows based PC running the mDACS app. No more wires required to upload Flight Files, view or modify settings, or run remote diagnostics.
The RTx/RRC3 Bluetooth Master Module needs no additional power when connected to your RTx or RRC3 altimeter. Just plug into the 5-pin COMM connector and you're ready to go.
3" comm/power cable assembly
Plug and Play ready for RTx/RRC3
Diagnostic Connection LED